
About me

Hello, I'm Joyel, your hot and petite escort in Mumbai. I'm incredibly gorgeous and available to meet you whenever you desire in Mumbai. I have a sexy and slim figure that will captivate your attention and keep you satisfied all night long.

Whether it's attending parties or luxurious events, I'm the perfect companion to accompany you and make every moment memorable. Let's book a nice hotel and indulge in the ultimate pleasure together.

As a hot petite escort, I take great pleasure in meeting new gentlemen and providing an unforgettable girlfriend experience. With my sensual touch and enticing charm, I'll leave you craving for more.

Personal details

  • Age: 18 years
  • Length: 4.9 Ft
  • Nationality: Indian
  • Lang:  English, Hindi
  • Cupsize: B cup
  • Eye color: Brown
  • Hair color: Brown
  • Oral sex: Yes
  • Erotic massage: No
  • French: Yes
  • Golden shower: Yes
  • Threesome M: No
  • Threesome C: Yes
  • SM roleplay: No
  • Sleepover: Yes

joyel's Rates

The rates start from 1 hour and above. See rates for a full list of our pricing and in which area's we deliver.

  • 1 hour: INR 10000
  • 2 hours: INR 15000
  • 3 hours: INR 20000
  • 4 hours: INR 25000
  • 6 hours: INR 35000
  • 12 hours: INR 50000

Book joyel

For booking please call our escort service on the number phone +919324554947. This number is available by whatsapp Whatsapp as well.

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